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3 Tips For Having A Meaningful Power Nap

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By Sofia R. Sibila | 13th December, 2022

The power nap is an easy way to get a quick, restful sleep and relax. Properly executed, these naps are a great way to recharge your energy levels and rejuvenate your body. If you have trouble sleeping, then power napping might be just what you need to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer at night. Here's what you need to know about having the right power nap in order to reap the full benefits.

Hello lovely student, do you feel exhausted? Yes? Perfect! It means you could try to rest during the afternoon (because I'm sure you have a good night's sleep).

Speaking seriously now, in my last article I talked about why so many students don't sleep or sleep too much but I forgot to leave tips related to sleeping, so that's what I'm here to do now.

Naps essentially help us to get out of our world for some time and rest; they let us come back - ready for more. A lot of people don't like taking naps but, if you come by the end of the day: tired and not having the energy to keep concentrating through a full day, naps may be a good and healthy alternative for you.

But don't forget that you cannot replace your eight hours of sleep at night with a 30-minute nap. Sleeping is good for your body, it doesn't matter if by not sleeping you feel you have more control over your life, sleep is important.

Some Positives/Benefits Of Napping Are:

  • boosts memory
  • improves performance in any sort of activity
  • lifts mood
  • eases stress

How To Nap?

If you're interested in napping but don't know how to start, there's really no mystery about it. Napping it's like sleeping, but shorter. Anyways, even if not complicated, there are some things that can make your naps better and easier to achieve.

1. The Length Of Your Nap

It's important to determine the length of your nap, not only to plan your time but because there are moments you're sleeping deeper or lighter. This is called the sleeping cycle. While it's a lot easier to wake up when lighting sleeping, in deep sleep you'll feel tired and confused if you wake up. So, how long should your nap take, considering the sleeping cycle?

The Sleep Cycle Chart

Taking naps shorter than one hour is recommended but, stretching them into longer spans can be beneficial if you have a sufficient amount of time at your disposal. 20 or 30 minutes it's a good time to start with but you can try 60 to 90 minutes naps later on.

2. Create Sleeping Rituals

I wrote an article about some time ago that better explains this, but in short, you need cues that relate to actions that you want to have as habits. For napping, these cues can be wearing a comfy t-shirt, getting your favorite blanket, listening to white noise, et cetera. It's just important to have something as a symbol of napping for your mind.

3. Manage Expectations

If you approach sleeping with such logical evidence you may wait to have the perfect outcome right after your first nap but, we simply cannot take control of our bodies. It may take some time to finally get good naps, but that's the only thought process we can get somewhere, so don't give up easily!


Don't be afraid to sacrifice a tiny piece of time to be more productive, or to try something different. I know a lot of people hate taking naps but if you're having problems that could potentially be solved with different methods, taking naps can be a cool one! This article was inspired by the video below. If you find it easier to watch than read, you should check it out here!

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