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Can Playing Video Games Make You Smarter?

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By Varsha Ravivenkatesh | 7th May, 2023

Discover how playing video games in moderation can increase your brain's capacity and working memory. Learn how games can enhance your focus, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. Find out which types of games are most efficient at boosting brain function and how to balance gaming with your daily life.

Well, most people love playing video games. They're fun and are a meaningful alternative to studying endless chemical equations or solving long algebraic sums. They can induce adrenaline rushes, and improve one's mood. But, since too much of anything is bad, they are often treated with negativity by parents, teachers, and doctors. But what if I told you that when played in moderation video games can help you become smarter, and boost the functioning of your brain?

Here are some interesting ways in which video games can help increase your brain's capacity and working memory:

They Can Increase Focus 🎯

Players in most games have to focus on little details that pop up on the screen, like boosters and jetpacks, and these increase their observational skills and ability to pay attention. This boosts selective attention i.e., paying attention to specific things in isolation from distracting backgrounds. So, when translated to studying for a test, gamers can usually block out most noises and other distractions to completely focus on the task ahead of them.

They Can Boost Memory Skills 🚀

Every gamer knows the exact combination of moves needed to boost points and which multipliers they can use to level up. All these little tricks help increase your brain’s retention capacity as, the more pieces of information you're forced to remember, the better your memory becomes. Additionally, players have to remember what keys to press and in what order; this also helps increase visual memory skills. These little things could seriously help boost memory and assist you whether you're trying to memorize the periodic table or a math formula.

They Enhance Problem-Solving Abilities 🕵️

I assume that every hardcore gamer knows exactly how to get past certain levels without purchasing paid boosters. Players usually make decisions quicker than the average person due to various time constraints in the games that they're used to playing. If they’re leading a team, they are likely to develop conflict-handling skills for the real world. These skills prevent the give-up mentality and assist in real life when something doesn’t work out.

They Improve Decision-Making Capabilities 🤔

While playing a game, especially ones involving several characters, you have to be quick in making decisions on who plays what position/character or the item you would need to sacrifice to move ahead. This is extremely vital in real life where it is essential to make calculated decisions. Intelligent people are usually exceptional decision-makers because they can carefully weigh out the pros and cons before arriving at a good decision.

Combat or action games are found to be the ones that are most efficient at helping in increasing brain function.

Warning 🚨

This does not mean that you can ditch your studies and start playing for hours on end. Games can be very distracting and can easily make you lose track of time. Though it may seem like these reasons are fully in favor of you playing video games, everything has to be done in moderation for the best results. If you’re playing games for 1-3 hrs a week and it doesn’t affect the functioning of your day-to-day life, go ahead!

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