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How To Stay Happy!

The Path to Fulfillment

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By Pranav Tigura | 20th April, 2022

☝️ Do you feel that you’re walking on a mundane, morbid, and dry path of life, one that lacks any zest or perpetual feelings? One that lacks fulfillment? This article will introduce simple steps one may be able to take to overcome such emotions and trailblaze on a path that’s regraded as fulfilling and happy!

What Exactly Is "Happiness"?

💡 Visual Exercise!
Close your eyes...think of the most illuminating moment within your life? What did you think of? I’m sure it was bright and happy... a flash as bright as the sun or a dark, starry night sky. Whatever it may be, a feeling must be welling up within you, some sort of tingling sensation. This exact emotion is what we denote as happiness!

Such a feeling introduces us to the best side of ourselves. With happiness, we don’t feel the consistent negativities prevalent within the world. We feel like we can do anything, pioneering our paths. A happy person tends to be more passionate and focused, they reach their visions with utmost reverence towards their reasons.

As humans, we always find a way to compromise this happiness, often due to our responsibilities, however, there are simple.

ACTION STEPS- steps may take to train ourselves to formulate this intangible thought we deem as happiness.

Happiness need not be found in reaching the peak, however, being happy about the journey will definitely fuel your desire to reach the peak of the mountain!

What Steps Must I Take? 🤔

  • 📌Point your actions in the direction of your values.
  • 📌Be grateful for what you have

👉Pointing Your Actions In the Direction Of Your Values

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony!” -Mahatma Gandhi

This statement allows itself to arise a million questions. What are values? How do I point myself in that direction? How will this help me in staying happy? To answer all of them, let’s refer to a pretty well-known example:

Spiderman, a teenager at the time, used to not adhere to his values. He simply walked the path of life with a passive mindset, not noticing his innermost values with his powers. With this initial selfishness, he lost his dear Uncle Ben, a sorrowful event indeed. Through this, we may see that Peter Parker lost a shred of his happiness due to his lack of values.

Further analyzing the “Spiderman Effect”

Let’s pull apart a result of not adhering to his values, he lost his happiness. However, a newfound change is seen within Spiderman as he pioneers his new value, “with great power comes great responsibility.” By adhering to his value, he allows many to live peacefully, allowing them to be happy, as a result, he attains their happiness in return.

👉 Follow Along
Identify “what makes you tick.” What is your motivation? What do you feel is “ethically right?” What do you feel is “ethically wrong?” This set of beliefs make up your value system.

How Does This Harmony Lead To HAPPINESS?

A value system is a set of beliefs that one possesses on a mental level. By following through on one’s values, they ensure a strong bond between the desires upon their mental and physical plane. This incurs a harmony between both worlds, a harmony not typically found within those in this ever-developing world, this simply harmony would lead to happiness as you have complete control of your actions.

Similar to how the beautiful night sky and mountainous terrain form a peaceful, harmonious picture, the harmony between the mind and actions would lead to serene, peaceful happiness.

Being Grateful For What You Have

“If you want to find happiness, find gratitude!” -Steve Maraboli

We all tend to become victims of envy, feeling that we have less than the person standing next to us, whether it be mental or physical. Humans, as social beings, tend to be equally as competitive. Thus, it is best to cast away envy and focus on ourselves. To focus on envy is the epitome of a lack of self-love. If one does not love themselves, they will never feel happy about themselves, their environment, and their circumstance...this will lead to continuous negative growth which hinders traces of happiness.

We all tend to become victims of envy, feeling that we have less than the person standing next to us, whether it be mental or physical. Humans, as social beings, tend to be equally as competitive. Thus, it is best to cast away envy and focus on ourselves. To focus on envy is the epitome of a lack of self-love. If one does not love themselves, they will never feel happy about themselves, their environment, and their circumstance...this will lead to continuous negative growth which hinders traces of happiness.

What May We Do To Encourage Gratefulness In Our Lives?

Simply, we may take a moment to introspect upon what we have. These are not only material aspects but those that apply to our mental and physical wellness as well. By aligning ourselves with those ideas, we consistently are reminded of what we have rather than what we don’t...we attract happiness into our lives!

👉 Key Takeaways 👈

  • Maintain happiness through maintaining gratitude!
  • Aligning our actions with our mental values leads to happiness beyond compare!
  • A great time to reflect upon gratitude is in the morning, this will set the theme for the day!
  • Make a set of values from what you believe is right, wrong, or successful!

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