End of Resistance

The Enemy of Productivity

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By Mudit Jha | 20th March, 2022

Do you struggle to sit down and finally get started on the tasks you have been putting away for days, week, months? Well there is a solution and it has something to do with THE RESISTANCE!

Often when we begin to start work or even just think about working, our brains start looking for ways to delay us. It runs us into resistance that slows down our efficiency and productivity.

☠️Nope, not this sort of resistance. Unless you’re a Star Wars character these guys shouldn’t be your resistance.

🗓️ These problems can be solved by having a plan. Plan your week, find a suitable place and time, and keep the book in visual range so that when it’s time to read you know straight where to go and you don’t have to worry about looking around for it, which would end up wasting your time. Or more importantly, increase the resistance you’ll likely face having to dig through your closet. This can affect your brain into thinking that “it’s too much work” and make it more likely for you to procrastinate the task.

💭 To illustrate this example, visualize that you have a 70-page book you have to read in 7 days. Here you have a deadline and a task to complete. But to complete it, you have to pace yourself: finishing 10 pages each day at a steady pace to meet the deadline.

The resistance here could be finding a quiet place, finding your book, or finding a time slot in your schedule.

🗓️ These problems can be solved by having a plan. Plan your week, find a suitable place and time, and keep the book in visual range so that when it’s time to read you know straight where to go and you don’t have to worry about looking around for it, which would end up wasting your time. Or more importantly, increase the resistance you’ll likely face having to dig through your closet. This can affect your brain into thinking that “it’s too much work” and make it more likely for you to procrastinate the task.

“Resistance is a repelling force it's negative it aims to shove us away distract us prevent us from doing our work.” - Steven Pressfield, Do The Work!

To simplify- Reduce your resistance to tasks by having a plan and making them easily accessible and therefore less stress and more productivity.

👉Another important point: Keep a clean organized work/study space.

The environment we choose to work in has a great effect on how efficiently we can focus on our work. Our brains function better with fewer distractions to look at. A clean and simple environment encourages a constant flow of thought and lesser resistance from working in a clutter!

📌In conclusion

The way you plan out your work and how you process it matters! If the aim is to get maximum productivity- proper time blocking is a necessity to ensure you take the path of least resistance.

Along with that, keep a clean workspace! Nothing brings more resistance and distractions than working in a dump!

For more reading check out: Do The Work! A book for creatives and people interested in increased workflow and productivity by Steven Pressfield.

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